Friday, October 22, 2010

Free Speech Comes With A Price or There Is No Such Thing As A Free Lunch

Hello everyone out there who stops by to actually read my blog. Watching the fall of common sense and decency in this county during the Obama administration has made me want to change the direction of my blog for a moment. I just get so frustrated and discouraged that there is so much ignorance still rampant in this country today and it is not just those of the Caucasian persuasion, it is us black folks too. First one Mr. Juan Williams. A few days ago Mr. Williams was on Fox News's O'Reily Factor. (Don't get me started on Bill O'Reily, I don't have the strength). Anyway during the segment Mr. Williams stated that when he is on an airplane and sees Muslims in traditional clothing, he gets nervous. Well some feel that Mr. Williams' feelings are valid in this post 9/11 America. However, there are those (myself included) that feel that the comments were inappropriate, especially since Mr. Bill O'Reily has come under fire for his blanket statement of "Muslims killed us on 9/11!" that was uttered a week or two ago on ABC's The View. What many have said is that it was Muslim extremists that carried out the attacks of September 11, 2001 and that distinction should be made. Ironically that was the point that Mr. Juan Williams was trying to get across during his interview, but I digress. After Mr. Williams' comments, his employer NPR or National Public Radio fired him. All of a sudden there is this whole argument of free speech and NPR took away Mr. William' rights because of what he said. This is where my blood just starts to boil. If you haven't figured out I am a staunch Democrat and Liberal. There is not a conservative bone in my body. So I have no shame in saying that Republicans, Conservatives, and the Tea Party love to find ways to blame others for their mistakes. What Mr. Williams said was inappropriate. He said it in a public forum. It's not like he was on the phone with his mother and told her about his airline discomfort. If his free speech rights were taken away, then Mr. Williams would have been locked up for what he said. No one ever said that Mr. Williams did not have to right to say what he said. However, we should all remember with great rights come great responsibility. It is because of free speech that I am here now voicing my opinions. It is because of free speech that these morons can have these rallies and basically lament about how miserable they are with the Obama administration without fear of reprisal from the government. So with that said remember, free speech does cost you in the end and everything has a price.

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Well I Got It!!!!!

Hello everyone!! I just wanted to tell you that I got the Urban Decay Book of Shadows vol. III today in the mail. It was $54 on their website. When I tried to order it, it was sold out, but they let you enter your email address so when it becomes availiable again they let you know. Well Sunday night I got an email saying that they had some in stock and my email address came up to order one. Well Monday afternoon I ordered it! Looking at the colors, I see some things that I can do with it to experiment with color. I am always wearing neutrals (which there is nothing wrong with) but I need a pop of color sometimes. I know I promised pictures of the Naked Palette and they are coming as soon as I can find my camera and have Lovey take some pictures. Got to roll now, but thanks to all my readers if there are any out there. MUAH!!!!!