Friday, December 17, 2010

I'm Baaaaak!!!!!

Hello out there. It's your girl once again. I just thought I would update you on what has been going on in this crazy life of mine. Well first of all I went to the Bronx the weekend after Thanksgiving and had a good time. Of course it was freezing cold and the day we left we saw snow flurries but other than that just seeing the sights (including the new Yankee stadium) was awesome. Also I had to play musical bridesmaids with my wedding party. One of my friends who I asked to be in the wedding was kinda slacking on things so I replaced her. She was understanding and still said that we are friends and that she will be at my wedding, so I hope that everything works out.

On a sadder note, my great-great aunt passed away a few days ago. She was 94 years old so she lived a full and wonderful life. It's crazy that when someone passes away  it makes me question my own mortality and what will happen when my number is called. My grandmother tells me not to worry, to just have faith in God and Jesus Christ and to live my life right and to the fullest.

Hair wise, I'm bout ready to cut my hair down like Lovey's and call it a day. I just can't seem to lick this breakage problem. I've tried the hard protein treatments, the light ones, moisturizing, sealing, ect. I just don't know. Well I moisturized and sealed and put my hair in two-strand twists. So I might just go with this until the end of my 12-week stretch which is in January, but if my hair continues to break the way it is, it may be a sign that stretching is not my cup of tea. Fingers crossed people.

Finally, next Saturday (Christmas Day) is Justine's 1st birthday. I can't believe it. A year has gone by so fast. It was just yesterday that I found out I was pregnant and now she's about to be 1. We are going to do something small with just family and friends on Christmas Eve since that's when we can get her birthday cake. I am so excited for my Itty Bitty.

Well that's all folks. I think that was a pretty inclusive update for everyone. Please subscribe if you haven't done so and keep checking back for everything crazy in the world of Afton.

Sunday, November 28, 2010

I Love Being A Mommy

Hello everyone. I just wanted to sit down and write about how much I love being a mommy. I say "mommy" because to me "mother" is so formal and uptight. I say mommy because it feels good when I say it because I have a huge grin on my face. Last night was my 10 year high school reunion. I had a pretty good time but me and Lovey left an hour early because I was ready to get home to my baby. I love Justine so much. I never knew that I could love something or someone with all my heart. She is life and love all rolled into one. She is growing before my very eyes. She is learning to talk and when she sees me she points and says "Da doo" with this goofy grin on her face. Her teeth are coming in and she is transitioning into toddler mode. I just want her to stay little forever. I just had to share what I was feeling and below you will see pictures of my little princess.

Saturday, November 13, 2010

My Healthy Hair Journey and Regimen

Fellow readers-I have decided to start my healthy hair journey. It has been a long time coming. I have always envisioned having waist length hair that was thick, shiny, and beautiful. However I was always under the impression that my hair would never get beyond shoulder length so I might as well get used to it. That was until I discovered Sunshyne and OMG, there are women on this site with hair like mine, that is how I want my hair to be. It is healthy, full, and in most cases relaxed. So for the past month or so, I have been purchasing hair care products that are actually working for my hair. My hair has never felt so soft and manageable especially weeks after a relaxer. I am actually planning on stretching my relaxer for twelve weeks, which means I will not get a touch up until January of next year. I am excited for this journey and will be dedicating my blog to the wonderful changes that my hair will see. Below you will find my regimen including products that I will be using.


  • pre-poo with cheapie conditioner, garlic powder, EVOO and honey for 1hr with plastic cap (no heat)
  • wash with moisturizing shampoo
  • deep condition with moisturizing conditioner 1hr with plastic cap (no heat)
  • apply leave ins
  • air dry using Sunshyne's Scarf Method
  • moisturize and seal hair in sections
  • add Jamaican Black Castor Oil mixed with Extra Virgin Olive Oil to scalp using Roots Only bottle
  • deep condition hair with protein conditioner for 1hr with plastic cap (no heat) or BTR (black tea rinse)
  • cowash with cheapie conditioner
  • apply leave ins
  • air dry using Scarf Method
  • moisturize and seal hair in sections
  • add Jamaican Black Castor Oil mixed with Extra Virgin Olive Oil to scalp
  • moisturize and seal in sections
  • I relax every 12 weeks
  • I trim my hair when I get my relaxer, but I just got a Splitender so I may trim once every six weeks
  • Clairify once a month
  • Hard Protein Treatment every 4-6 weeks (my hair looooves protein)
  • Bun my hair everyday
  • Sleep with satin scarf or bonnet every night (NO EXCEPTIONS)
Products used
  • Shampoo-Creme of Nature Ultra Moisturizing Shampoo
  • Clarifying Shampoo-Suave Daily Clarifying Shampoo
  • Protein Conditioner-Aphogee 2 Minute Reconstructor
  • Hard Protein Treatment-Aphogee 2 Step Treatment or Nexxus Emergencee
  • Moisturizing Conditioner-Silk Elements Moisturizing Treatment
  • Leave Ins-Motions Nourish Leave In
  • Moisturizer-S-Curl No Drip Activator and Moisturizer (summer) Neutrogena Triple Moisture Leave-In Cream (winter)
  • Sealant-Extra Virgin Olive Oil or Extra Virgin Coconut Oil
  • Co-Wash and Pre-Poo Conditioner-VO5 Moisture Milks Passion Fruit Conditioner, HE Hydralicious Restructuring Conditioner, Motions Conditioner

Friday, October 22, 2010

Free Speech Comes With A Price or There Is No Such Thing As A Free Lunch

Hello everyone out there who stops by to actually read my blog. Watching the fall of common sense and decency in this county during the Obama administration has made me want to change the direction of my blog for a moment. I just get so frustrated and discouraged that there is so much ignorance still rampant in this country today and it is not just those of the Caucasian persuasion, it is us black folks too. First one Mr. Juan Williams. A few days ago Mr. Williams was on Fox News's O'Reily Factor. (Don't get me started on Bill O'Reily, I don't have the strength). Anyway during the segment Mr. Williams stated that when he is on an airplane and sees Muslims in traditional clothing, he gets nervous. Well some feel that Mr. Williams' feelings are valid in this post 9/11 America. However, there are those (myself included) that feel that the comments were inappropriate, especially since Mr. Bill O'Reily has come under fire for his blanket statement of "Muslims killed us on 9/11!" that was uttered a week or two ago on ABC's The View. What many have said is that it was Muslim extremists that carried out the attacks of September 11, 2001 and that distinction should be made. Ironically that was the point that Mr. Juan Williams was trying to get across during his interview, but I digress. After Mr. Williams' comments, his employer NPR or National Public Radio fired him. All of a sudden there is this whole argument of free speech and NPR took away Mr. William' rights because of what he said. This is where my blood just starts to boil. If you haven't figured out I am a staunch Democrat and Liberal. There is not a conservative bone in my body. So I have no shame in saying that Republicans, Conservatives, and the Tea Party love to find ways to blame others for their mistakes. What Mr. Williams said was inappropriate. He said it in a public forum. It's not like he was on the phone with his mother and told her about his airline discomfort. If his free speech rights were taken away, then Mr. Williams would have been locked up for what he said. No one ever said that Mr. Williams did not have to right to say what he said. However, we should all remember with great rights come great responsibility. It is because of free speech that I am here now voicing my opinions. It is because of free speech that these morons can have these rallies and basically lament about how miserable they are with the Obama administration without fear of reprisal from the government. So with that said remember, free speech does cost you in the end and everything has a price.

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Well I Got It!!!!!

Hello everyone!! I just wanted to tell you that I got the Urban Decay Book of Shadows vol. III today in the mail. It was $54 on their website. When I tried to order it, it was sold out, but they let you enter your email address so when it becomes availiable again they let you know. Well Sunday night I got an email saying that they had some in stock and my email address came up to order one. Well Monday afternoon I ordered it! Looking at the colors, I see some things that I can do with it to experiment with color. I am always wearing neutrals (which there is nothing wrong with) but I need a pop of color sometimes. I know I promised pictures of the Naked Palette and they are coming as soon as I can find my camera and have Lovey take some pictures. Got to roll now, but thanks to all my readers if there are any out there. MUAH!!!!!

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

It's Been A Long Time (Well Not Too Long)

Hey world, it's your girl again. Well since the last post, I got over my cold, but I gave it to my daughter Justine and she ended up with an ear infection which I would have never caught if I hadn't decided to take her to the doctor. Well she's better now and has four teeth. I can't believe that the little baby I brought home from the hospital without eyebrows is growing up so fast! Her 1st birthday will be here before I know it.

Also I had my bridal party get-together. All I have to say about that is that I have no worries about the grooms side at all. But my bridesmaids...let's just say that I need to stay on top of two of them. Also I feel like a deadbeat bride. I don't want to do any planning lately. But I have to pull myself out of this funk and get to work! I have a year to go!!!

I have been using my UD Naked palette and I love it. Let me repeat I LOVE IT!!!! I have used almost every color in the palette, but rest assured when I find the time I will take some pics to show you guys! In the mean time enjoy some pics of my cute little princess!!!

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

I'm Sick!!!!!!!

Hello everyone. I just wanted to blog about the fact that I am sick. My throat hurts and my sinuses are draining into my throat which does not help at all. I have been drinking lemon and honey tea and laying on the couch but it is hard to relax when maintainance is outside cutting grass and I have a hyper baby on my hands. She's napping now so I thought I would take the opportunity to check in with everyone. I even took a picture of me sick to show you how bad I look and feel. Well I'm going to drink more tea and lay it back down. When I get better I will blog about my family reunion and the colors I've used in my UD NAKED eye palette so far.

I look like stir-fried shit right now.

Saturday, August 14, 2010

It's Mine, It's All Mine!!!!!

Ladies and Gents-
My NAKED palette has arrived!!!!! I was so excited that I was jumping up and down on the couch Tom Cruise style! I want to wear every single color their is in this thing. I wish I could have taken a pic of me with it, but I can do that later and share it with you all.

Thursday, August 12, 2010

I Decided To Wear Make-Up Today

Well folks. Today I decided to wear make up and curl my hair. Having a baby, I sometimes deprive myself of looking pretty. The only thing I wonder is why when I put on make-up or curl my hair, I start sweating. It can get annoying because I don't want my hair to frizz or my make-up to run. I suppose it's just something that happens sometimes. Anyway, here are some pics of me and my fabulous self.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

I Broke Down And Bought The Palette =D

Well I broke down and bought the Urban Decay Palette that I was talking about earlier. I honestly believe that finanically I can swing it, because I will not be eating out for the next two weeks. PJ said that the weirdest things make me happy, which is funny because I expect him not to be excited about the girly things that I am into. When I get it, I will definitely post pics and let you know how it looks.

I Want That Urban Decay Eye Palette

This morning while Justine was playing in her play yard, I was checking out my subscriptions on YouTube. One of my subscriptions was doing a review of Urban Decay's Naked Eye Palette. So while looking at the review I squealed with delight because I want this palette. It has neutral eyeshadows that I am all about. Anyway, I went to the Sephora website and it was sold out =(. No problemo I cruised on over to eBay. Well I found it and it is 69.95 with free shipping. Here in lies the dillema. I have the money, but I should be doing something more productive. However I want this palette! What to do, what to do.

Well Here I Am

Hello everyone out there in blogging land. I used to blog alot on MySpace so it is only fitting that I continue to do it here. I guess I should introduce myself. My name is Afton and I am 28 years old. I am a new mom to a beautiful baby girl named Justine Briana. She is seven months old and everyday is a new adventure with her. I am also engaged to a wonderful man who I will refer to as "Lovey" or "PJ". We are getting married next September and I can't wait. I love him with all my heart and soul. He is truly my soul-mate, a kindred spirit. Which brings me to the topic of my blog. Basically I will be blogging about my life as a new mother who is planning a wedding, searching for a job, and trying to apply to law school. There will also be postings about what I call my "substance abuse problem", SHOPPING!!!! Stay tuned peeps and see what the Twenty-Something Mommy has in store...