Monday, May 9, 2011

I've Been Banned!!!!

Hi out there! I know from the title you're wondering "WTF?!?!". What I mean is that my fiance has banned me from commenting on news stories or anything that gets me worked up. He said that I am too invested emotionally in these message boards and that I should just read the story and move on instead of commenting and getting into sparring matches with people who are going to be ignorant regardless of what I say. I hate to admit it but he's right. One case in particular. There was a blog on a hairsite (not going to name names), but there was alot of back and forth regarding religion and the celebration of holidays. The tone of the blog was that the author was right and the rest of us were wrong and there was no if, ands, or buts about it. Well I got so upset to the point that I could feel my BP rising and my head started hurting. Finally I agreed to disagree and left the discussion alone. Then I was on a local news website and there was discussion about the recent tornados that came through NC. Some of the victims of this natural disaster were still in temporary housing and some of the commenters were ranting and raving about one of the victims being pregnant and unmarried. Well that got me started again because to me the real issue was that the young lady was African-American. It just boggles my mind that ever since Barack Obama became president, folks have lost their minds. The disgusting level of disrespect towards this man just stuns me. When I was in college, I was a member of the College Democrats and while I disagreed with President Bush's policies, I still had respect for the man and the office he held. It is no easy task being president because you have to please everyone knowing that it is not possible, but these people today (Birthers, Tea Party, Donald Trump, Sarah Palin) are just out for blood for no good reason except the president is Black and he's going to do everything he can to make it hard for us (whites). I'm sorry but that's my opinion. What is really silly to me is that if these people took 5th grade Social Studies, they would know that due to the lovely thing that is called checks and balances, President Obama can't do more than what Congress allows and that Congress can't do any more than what the Courts will allow, and on goes this thing of theirs. Well I spent enough time ranting. On a more positive note, my bridesmaids got their dresses and they are beautiful. I also ordered my niece's flowergirl dress and it is beyond cute. So I have my days when I am excited for the wedding and my days when I dread it, but I know when the day comes I will be happy no matter what. Well that's it for me. Until next time.......

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Get Off Your Ass and Help Me!!!

I am so pissed off right now. I have alot going on with planning my wedding and going to school and raising my daughter. I might as well add working to that list since I start training for a job on Monday. With all that you think that my fiancee would at least help with planning this wedding, but noooooooo (in my John Belushi voice). He'd rather give me excuses for why he can't. I am trying my damnedest to get these save the date cards out. Has he volunteered to buy the inserts for them? No. Has he taken the initiative to go and get addresses for the cards to be sent out? No. When I ask for help, he's all like "I'm tired or I don't know what to do." I'm sick of it. This is what I'm marrying? I am starting to have second thoughts about this whole marriage, if whenever I need him to help me with something, all I get is complaining. I can't deal with this much longer. I'm about to speak my mind and I don't think he wants me to start speaking my mind...

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Fast Don't Lie

Hey everyone. Nothing much going on in my little corner of the world, but I have had this song on my mind all day so I thought I would share it with you. It has my imaginary BF Dwight Howard in it as well as new MVP Derrick Rose and don't forget your boy from the Hangover and Hangover 2 (I can't wait to see that movie when it comes out). Anyways here is is...