Sunday, August 10, 2014

Sunshine Blogger Award

Hey everybody! Long time no see I know. Well I’m back and with good reason. I was nominated for the Sunshine Blogger award by Nisa at Ms. Direction. We follow each other on Instagram and I have to say it was an honor and a privilege just to be thought of for the nomination. If you are unfamiliar with the Sunshine Blogger Award, here is how it works...

  • Acknowledge the nominating blogger with a link to the website. Thanks Nisa!!
  • Share 11 random facts about myself by answering the questions the nominating blogger has created for me. 
  • List 11 bloggers I believe deserve some recognition and a little blogging love! (I can't nominate the blogger who nominated me.)
  • Let the 11 bloggers know you nominated them.
  • Post 11 questions for the bloggers I nominate to answer. 
  1. What inspired you to start a blog? What inspired me to start a blog is that I enjoy putting my thoughts in words that I can go back and read. My first blog was on MySpace (really lol) and it went on from there. What keeps me blogging though is just tracking the journey that my hair has made.
  1. Who is your biggest supporter? My biggest supporter is my husband. When I first started blogging, we were dating. I really wanted him to know how I felt about him, but I couldn’t verbally express it. So I let my blog do it for me and I like to think it worked. He is always asking when my next post is coming and that he still likes reading both of my blogs.
  1. If you could live anyone's life for one day, who would it be? Why? I would have to say either one of my daughters because I just miss being a kid sometimes and they make it look so easy and fun.
  1. What quality do you value most in a person? Honesty. Just be honest with me. I might be a bit upset at the truth, but it is temporary. That’s part of why me and my husband work because he is honest to a fault.
  1. What is your favorite quote? “When you love someone you gotta trust them. I mean there’s no other way. You have to give them the key to everything you own. Otherwise, what’s the point?” Sam Rothstein (Casino)
  1. When was the last time you tried something new? A few weeks ago at Trader Joe’s I tried guacamole for the first time and I have to say it was amazing.
  1. What day stands out as the happiest day in your life? Argghh!! Too many to narrow down to just one. I’ll say my top 3 are the days my girls were born and the day I got married.
  1. What's your favorite thing about you? My sense of humor. I would say it is a mix of sarcasm and sharp observations. It doesn’t come across as mean, but I have been told that I am a true smarta$$ lol.
  1. What is one thing you usually forget? Where I put my car keys. I can sit them in a common spot for five minutes and if I am asked where they are I couldn’t tell you. I also forget appointments if I don’t write them down.
  1. What does friendship mean to you? Friendship means a lot to me, but because I’m so introverted at times it may seem like I don’t enjoy having friends. It is further from the case.
  1. Would you rather be dumb and awesome or smart and boring? Smart and boring because being dumb is just not me.

Who Do I Nominate?
Well I honestly can’t think of eleven bloggers who would pay attention to this or have not already done this, so instead I nominate anyone with a blog who has read this post. Easy way out? Possibly but I don’t mind.

1. Is there a subject that you would not blog about?
2. What is your favorite dish to cook?
3. If you are stranded on an island, what 3 things would you be stranded with?
4. What is your most embarrassing moment?
5. What is your favorite body part?
6. If you could describe yourself in one word, what would it be?
7. Which superpower would you choose: invisibility or flight?
8. When is the last time you told someone you love them and who?
9. Spiders: nature’s friend or your sworn enemy?
10. If you could go back to any period of time in history, what would it be and why?
11. Which do you like more: the new Ninja Turtles or the 90’s version?

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