Monday, October 22, 2012

Just When I Was About To Count Something Out...

Hey everybody out there in the blogosphere! It's me once again writing to you to let you know what has been going on as of late. The most important thing right now is that I GOT A JOB!!!!! Finally and it is not selling perfume and cologne in a parking lot praying that I get enough money to at least pay the coworker who is using their car and their gas. I am back in with the state as a correctional officer. It's funny how things come full circle sometimes. I once said that I would never ever work in corrections again only to realize that it is truly what I was meant to do. It is something that I see myself doing until either I'm too old or dead to do the job any more. That's how much I enjoyed my work when I was a CO four years ago. 

Secondly, now that my job hunt is over, my house hunting can begin. I have resolved that I am done with apartments. I grew up in them and I realized that now that I am a married career woman with two kids, I'm ready for a house. I have been looking at renting a house for now with an option to buy. I kind of want to work out my financials and pay off some of my student loans before I look at becoming a home owner. Also since my job is not in Raleigh, we are considering moving closer to my job but within a reasonable distance for Lovey to continue to go to his job. As soon as I find my new home and get settled, I will definitely be blogging about it.

Thirdly, I created a hair and beauty blog, so that I can reach out to more blog lovers like myself. It is titled "Same Hair Different Head" even though I might end up changing it later. So if you want to know more about my crazy hair journey then be sure to mosey on over to Same Hair Different Head and check it out. I am also working on my YT channel which is 'hotrdumommy'. It's still a little bare bones right now but I am working on it as soon as I can find the time and a better camera.

Finally, I want to say something about the upcoming election. I'm just burned out from everything but maybe it is because I already know who I am voting for and I'm just waiting for everything to be over so everything can get back to some sort of normal. I don't know. I'm starting to think my passion for everything political is starting to wane a little bit.

Well that's all for now. Thanks to everyone who takes the time to check my blog out and tell a friend about me. If you want me to check your blog out, leave a link in the comments section and I will be sure to get back to you on it. Until next time!!


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