Tuesday, October 23, 2012

That's The Stuff I Don't Like

Nothing Says I Don't Like It Like Steven Colbert With His Head On His Desk

Hey everybody. I decided to do another tag blog for you. If you are a YouTube addict like me then you have seen these video tags over the 'net for a few weeks or so. Since I don't have a decent enough camera or editing equipment to do the video, I decided that I would blog about it instead. So the gist is to just talk about things you don't like or may get on your nerves, so let's do it to it.

1. People who eat or drink something and leave a corner or a drop in the fridge like they are doing you a favor. I hate this. In fact I have family members (no names) who have or still do this. There have been times when I have had my mouth set ready to eat or drink something, only to find the empty or near empty container still in the fridge. Dammit if you are going to eat or drink that much you might as well finish it off. I'll be less pissed if you do.

2. Facebook/Twitter tough guys. What this mean is if you are bad enough to say something on Facebook/Twitter then you should be able to back it up in person. Not sub tweeting or using vague status messages to say what is on your mind. Dammit put it out there if it is serious enough to warrant venting on social media. And while we are at it...

3. People who put all their business on social media and then get mad when someone calls them out for it. I have a social media friend (we know each other in real life as well) who is always posting what she's doing, where she's going, what she's wearing/eating/drinking. However when someone brings up where the money for all this is coming from or here her child is, she's ready to start fighting. The way I see it, don't put all your business in the streets and then you won't have "haters" questioning you. Just sayin'.

4. People who get in my personal space. You want a one way ticket to a butt kicking? Just get in my personal space and don't get out of it. Seriously. Try it.

5. People who are just plain disrespectful to the President of the United States. I mean seriously. Donald Trump, Mitt Romney, hell the entire GOP/Tea Party. Calm your nerves. Because your attitudes are trickling down to some of my Republican friends and they are getting out of pocket and some of their personal issues are issues that could be solved if they would only open their eyes and stop listening to Fox News for five minutes.

6. My check engine light in my car. It know what it is doing and it's getting on my nerves.

7. People who stare at me when Itty is throwing a tantrum. Okay I get it. Her crying is irritating and makes you want to run out the room, store, ect. screaming. However, what to do you want from me. I can either ignore it until I get her somewhere where I can dish out discipline or dish it out in front of you and have you get the law involved and then I have to jump on you. Surely you must have children who drive you nuts as well.

Okay last one because I'm starting to run out of things:

8. People who reach onto my plate. Okay we're eating and you see something on my plate that you like. Please don't just help yourself. Ask me and I will fix you a sample for you to try. Reach on my plate without clearance and you might draw back a nub. Or a fork mark on your hand. Just sayin'.

Well peeps there are the things I don't like. I hope this was fun for you as it was for me. Who knows I may end up recording this as well as a video response or something. We'll see. Until next time loves.


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