Tuesday, April 26, 2011

I'm A Huge Frickin' Failure

I have to get somethings off my chest and where better to do it than in my blog. I am a huge failure. There I said it. I'm a gigantic failure. I can't do anything right and it's my own fucking fault. I don't have a job, my unemployment gave out, I'm failing out of my third graduate school, my plans for my wedding are slipping through my fingers, I only have $0.74 to my name. I am a huge failure. Where did it all go wrong. I had the world by the balls when I was working for the prison. I had my own place, my car, anything I wanted. I had that damn breakdown and didn't want to go back to working at the prison, so I took a job in customer service that ended up being a bunch of bullshit and they laid me off when I couldn't give them a reason to fire me. Since then I haven't been able to find any kind of job (that is worth a damn). Then crazy me I get knocked up, so now I have to struggle to provide for my daughter (which is the only reason I haven't offed myself). I wish those pills I took when I tried to kill myself worked. What is my purpose here? I have nothing to show for my life. I am in a deep depression. I just keep asking myself, "What's next?" I'm waiting for the other shoe to drop, the final nail in the coffin. I am about to fail in yet another graduate program. What the hell am I doing? I don't want to apply to law school because I know they're going to say no. What's the point of hearing "NO" so many times. When I vent this to family and friends all I hear is "pray about it" "leave it to God". Well God stopped listening to me. I wish he would just do away with me instead of leaving me here miserable. I give up. This may be my last blog. I want a bottle of bourbon and a handgun so I can be done with it. It's over.

1 comment:

  1. Girl, believe it or not. Your story is very similar to mine. It is so hard to feel alone but there is nothing new underneath the sun. I am following your blog. If you ever need to talk to someone who can relate, you can always send me a message through my blog. Oh, how I can SO relate from getting pregnant, struggling through grad school, planning a wedding I just don't know how we can afford (really contemplating going to the justice of peace), and no job yet. Life is crazy but we are not meant to fail. Hang in there. That is the least we can do. :)
